DOB-Academy joins EOW MBA partnership network
DOB-Academy has become a Partner to the Executive Offshore Wind MBA.
DOB-Academy offers offshore energy education for professionals. It was set up by a team of professionals with a passion for the offshore energy sector and a desire to further enhance its development and innovations. By learning through a common technical language, it enables people from different backgrounds to achieve exceptional engineering results.
DOB-Academy’s mission is to provide a platform for the exchange of industry knowledge through introductory to expert level lectures, classroom workshops, online modules and seminars. By doing so, DOB-Academy aims to bridge the knowledge gap between offshore professionals.
In its historic building in Delft, DOB-Academy also has an in-house studio where high-quality videos are designed and produced for educational and promotional purposes in the offshore industry.
We are very glad to welcome DOB-Academy to the professional network of the Executive Offshore Wind MBA.