University Hosts “Fit for 55 - Opportunities and Threats for Maritime Transport” Conference

The "Fit for 55 - Opportunities and Threats for Maritime" conference took place today in the University's Main Hall, with the proceedings also available to be viewed online.

The guests and media were welcomed by HM Rector Adam Weintrit, who highlighted the importance of the date intentionally chosen for the Conference. 102 years ago, on 10th February 1920, General Józef, the commander of the Polish armies, wed Poland to the sea by throwing a platinum ring donated by the residents of Gdansk into the Bay of Puck. For the rest of his life, the General wore an identical ring on his finger. The act symbolised the country’s reconnection to the Baltic under the Treaty of Versailles.

The historic occasion and its covenant with the future were also referred to by the ‘pastor of the people of the sea’, Father Edward Pracz, during prayers preceding the Conference in the University chapel. 

On the 102nd anniversary of Poland’s regained access to the Baltic, Gdynia Maritime University hosted a seminar that brought together prominent representatives from the maritime industry. Guests at the event included Marek Gróbarczyk - Secretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure, and Marcin Białek - Director of the Department of International Affairs in the Ministry for Climate and the Environment. Speakers on the discussion panels include representatives of ship operators, shipyards, design companies, and manufacturers of ship equipment.

Before giving the floor to the Chair of the Board of the Polish Register of Shipping, Dr and Captain Henryk Śniegocki, the Rector encouraged discussion and the exchange of views on the topics of the Conferences three panels. The guests were also welcomed by Marek Grobarczyk - the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure.

The focus of the event, organised by the Polish Registry of Shipping, was the EU's European Green Deal and its effects on the maritime industry."Fit for 55" is a legislative package that increases the climate goals of the EU and its member states. The changes introduced by the legislation aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% compared to 1990 levels by 2030. The package is part of the European Green Deal that aims to put the EU firmly on the path towards climate neutrality by 2050.

Current EU directives target a 40% reduction of CO2 and other greenhouse gases by 2030. The planned 55% reduction increases the currently proposed goal by 38%, with only eight years remaining until the deadline.

Discussions at the Conference focused on the challenges posed by the EU regulations for the marine transport sector and was in the form of three panels, each centred around a single question concerning the EU legislative changes and the resultant consequences for the maritime industry: 1. Are the EU and IMO on the same page regarding the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions? 2. Are ship operators and shipyards prepared to meet the requirements of the new directives? 3. What are the viable alternatives in the future replacement of fossil fuels? Speakers on the discussion panels included representatives of ship operators, shipyards, design companies, and manufacturers of ship equipment. Also present at the Conference were guests Marek Gróbarczyk - Secretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure, and Marcin Białek - Director of the Department of International Affairs in the Ministry for Climate and the Environment.

Notable persons who presented their opinions on the questions addressed included, Marcin Białek - the Director of the Department of International Affairs in the Ministry for Climate and the Environment, Grzegorz Pettke - the Director of the Ship Construction Division of PRS, Karolina Sypion-Babś of the Centre for IMO Affairs at PRS, Grzegorz Strzelczyk - the Chair of the Management Board of Lotos Petrobaltic, Andrzej Pilarski - a member of the Management Board of Polish Baltic Shipping, Grzegorz Wardzyński - Director of the Technical Division of Polish Marine Sailing, Dariusz Jaguszewski -a member of the Management Board for Commercial Affairs of Remontowa Shipbuilding, Agnieszka Kubaszewska-Monik - the Freight Commercial Business Manager for Baltic Sea South at Stena Line, Monika Kozakiewicz - the Acting CEO of the Management Board of Stocznia Remontowa Nauta, Dariusz Dziedziul Managing Director MAN Energy Solutions Poland, Marek Narewski - a Technical Specialist at the Inspectorate of Regulation Development at the Polish Register of Shipping, Marcin Mucharski - a member of the Management Board of Remontowa Marine Design Consulting Adam Ślipy - Chair of the Management Board of Sea Tech Engineering, Dr Jerzy Herdzik of the Department of Ship Power Plants at Gdynia Maritime University, and Piotr Kabaciński - General Manager Sales at Wartsila. The moderator of the Conference was Mateusz Kowalewski.

The opening part of the Conference saw the official launching of a new book by Dr Agnieszka Czarnecka, entitled "Ludzie w służbie Uczelni. Od Szkoły Morskiej w Tczewie do Uniwersytetu Morskiego w Gdyni." [People in Service of the School - From the Maritime School in Tczew to Gdynia Maritime University]. The launch of the book was presided over by the Secretary of State of the Minister of Infrastructure, Marek Gróbarczyk.

The event, organised by PRS in collaboration with Gdynia Maritime University, was held under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Ministry for Climate and the Environment. Media sponsorship was provided by and


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