Horyzont II Leaves Gdynia for Spitsbergen

On the afternoon of 20 August 2024, Gdynia Maritime University's training and research vessel, Horyzont II, left port in Gdynia on its penultimate voyage of the sailing season. The 15 permanent crew members, 18 student cadets from the Faculties of Navigation and Electrical Engineering at GMU, together with their tutors and 10 polar scientists from the Institute of Geophysics at the Polish Academy of Sciences, headed for the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen.

Under the command of Captain Ruszard Durlik, Horyzont II set sail from the English Quay in Gdynia, where it was bid farewell by the Director of the Ship Management and Seagoing Service Department, Captain Dariusz Jellonnek. 

The ship will reach the Svalbard archipelago in eight days' time and from 3 until 9 September will take part in geology workshops entitled Svalgeobase II: Tectono-Thermal Evolution of Svalbard – From Metamorphic and Magmatic Processes to Geothermal Energy

Horyzont II will also deliver fresh supplies of food, fuel, and other materials necessary for the operation of Polish research stations as well as research equipment. The ship will also transport researchers currently working in the Arctic back to Poland, making stops in Hornsund, Longyearbyen, Kaffioyra and Bellsund, before stopping once more at Hornsund before beginning its return journey to Gdynia.

Horyzont II will be back in its home port on Wednesday 18 September 2024.

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GMU/Gdynia Maritime University

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