Call for research proposals for Young Academic Staff in FY2026
The International Association of Maritime Universities has announced the call for research proposals by Young Academic Staff of member universities for the financial year 2026. Proposals should be submitted by 31 May 2025.
A research project system for Young Academic Staff was launched in FY2018. The main purpose of this new Research Project System is to encourage young academic staff to participate in IAMU activities.
The programme is dedicated to individuals who have not exceeded the age of 35 by the final day of the application period. The term Young Academic Staff refers to employees of IAMU member universities who are employed on a full-time basis but do not hold professorial titles.
The research is expected to be conducted over 13 months, from 1 May 2026 to 31 May 2027. The maximum funding allocated in the budget for an individual project is $20,000, with each member university allowed to submit only one research project proposal.
Those who are interested in submitting a research proposal should visit the IAMU Call for Research Project Proposals for FY2026 IAMU to download the application form.
The deadline for the submission of applications is 31 May 2025 at midnight (Japan Standard Time).
Applications must be sent by email with the subject “RP2026 YAS” to the IAMU Secretariat (email below). Details of the application procedure are provided in annexes 1, 2 and 3.
Contact person: Coordinator, Shigemi Matsuzaki
e-mail: project [at]