Tuition Fees
The following are exempt from the payment of tuition fees for full-time courses in Polish:
citizens of a member state of the European Union or the Swiss Confederation or a member state of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – contracting parties of the European Economic Area, and also members of their families provided they reside within the territory of the Republic of Poland;
non-nationals who have been granted the right to stay or a permanent residency permit by one of the member states of the European Union;
non-nationals who have been granted a temporary residence permit on the conditions outlined in Art. 159 (1), and Article 186, (1.3, 1.4) of the Act of 12th December 2013 on foreigners (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 35);
non-nationals who possess refugee status or temporary protection (TPS) or subsidiary protection status granted in the Republic of Poland.
non-nationals who hold a certificate confirming knowledge of Polish as a foreigner, as referred to in Article 11a (2) of the Act of 7th October 1999 on Polish Language (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 672), at language proficiency level C1 or above;
holders of a "Karta Polaka" or persons or beneficiaries of a decision confirming Polish origin;
a foreigner who is a spouse, ascendant or descendent of a citizen of the Republic of Poland, and who currently resides within the territory of the Republic of Poland;
a foreigner who has been granted a temporary residence permit in connection with the circumstances referred to in Article 151 (b) of the Act of 12th December 2013 on Foreigners or residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with the use of short-term mobility for researchers under the conditions set out in Article 156b (1) of that Act or a national visa in order to conduct scientific research or development work.
Non-nationals may be exempt from fees for full-time courses of study conducted in Polish or a foreign language, and for the repetition of classes or modules as part of a full-time course of study due to unsatisfactory assessment outcomes, in accordance with the rules laid down in an agreement between universities or an international agreement. Non-nationals may also be exempt from these charges based on:
a decision issued by the Rector of GMU;
the decision of the Minister or the Director of NAWA concerning its scholarships.
Tuition fees for foreigners for taught degree programmes in Polish:
Degrees in non-marine disciplines 1200 EUR per academic year
Degrees in marine disciplines 1650 EUR per academic year
Readmission to studies 1) 200 EUR
Leveling out programme differences 2) Fee set by Rector in consultation with Faculty Dean 3)
Tuition fees for foreigners for taught degree programmes in English:
Degrees in Faculty of Navigation 6000 EUR per academic year
Degrees in Mechanical Engineering 5000 EUR per academic year
Readmission to studies 1) 200 EUR
Leveling out programme differences 2) Fee set by Rector in consultation with Faculty Dean 3)
1) Where there is a break in attendance of more than 1 semester.
2) Where due to the need to repeat an academic year the student joins a group following an update to the curriculum.
3) The fee payable depends on the number and type of curriculum differences.